martes, 4 de noviembre de 2008


Pedia a gritos que la quisieran.
Su mirada penetraba a todo aquel que le inspiraba esa proteccion que siempre buscaba.
Y se sentaba a no hacer nada, esperando una situacion ideal, donde hasta ahora solo vio en las peliculas.
Y no encontraba, porque el que tenia que estar no estaba. No llegaria a tiempo porque puede que aun le quedase un buen camino.
Y ella seguia alli, sentada en un banco, con canciones faciles y melancolicas, con la ilusion y la esperanza entre sus manos, con una sonrisa timida esperando abrirse. Los dedos jugueteando con las hojas de un libro que no habia comenzado a leer. Con las ideas de todo un libro que podria escribir.
Con la imagen de aquel al que un dia podria amar.
El podria estar haciendo lo mismo.
En otra parte.
Pensando en otra.

...Brown Sugar...

She was applying for someone to love her.
Her look was penetrating to everyone that was inspiring this protection that always was searching.
And she was sitting down not doing anything, waiting for an ideal situation, where till now only she saw in the movies.
And she didnt find, because the one she was suppose to find was not there. He wont be on time because it is possible that even he still had a long way.
And she was still there, sat in a bank, with easy and melancholy songs, with the illusion and the hope between her hands, with a shy smile waiting to be opened. The fingers playing with the sheets of a book that she havent begun to read.
With the image of that one she could love one day.
He could be doing the same thing.
In some other place.
Thinking about another girl.

...Brown Sugar...

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